Polyscribe Mike Fox

Here's my current list of stories that have been published or accepted for publication. Where available I've put in links so you can read them:

Fictive Dream
To read click here

The Subtext of Skin
Bulb Culture Collective
Due to be published September 3rd

With Every Choice Something is Lost
Willesden Herald
To read click here

Observing Silence
Fragmented Voices
To read click here

Going Out Somewhere
Fictive Dream
To read click here

Blurred Edges
Lunate Fiction - nominated for the Pushcart Prize 2019
To read click here

The Wand Maker
Fictive Dream
To read click here

The Hill
Postbox: Scotland's International Short Story Magazine, Issue 8
You can order Postbox Issue 8 here

Dr Takotsubo, and My Heart
Willesden Herald
To read click here

Springboards to Opportunity
Fragmented Voices
To read click here

The Edge of England
Fictive Dream
To read click here

A Private Viewing
Fictive Dream
To read click here

The Forgetting House
Nymphs Publications

Hidden Places
Fictive Dream
To read click here

Liminal Spaces
Fictive Dream
To read click here

The Noah of the Marshes
Fragmented Voices
To read click here

The Time I Never Had

A Retrospective Diary
Fictive Dream
To read click here

Satyagraha and Ernest Jones
Fictive Dream - one of five stories chosen to mark Fictive Dream's 5th birthday
To read click here

Death Duty
To order Confingo 15 click here

Fictive Dream - nominated for the Pushcart Prize 2019
To read click here

Sitting with Mr Griffiths
Nymphs Publications

On the Outside of Everything
Bandit Fiction

The Finding Gene
Lunate Fiction
To read click here

Anima Mundi
Eunoia Review
To read click here

A Meeting in Fitzrovia
Fictive Dream
To read click here

Outliving the Muse
Fictive Dream - chosen to mark this journal's 500th publication
Also nominated for the Pushcart Prize 2020
To read click here

Lunate Fiction
To read click here

The Sky
Postbox Magazine Issue 4
To order Postbox Issue 4 click here

Inhabiting the Present
Fragmented Voices
To read click here

The Subtext of Skin
Eunoia Review
To read click here

Ayaskala/Crimson Cascade Issue 1 - nominated for Best of the Net
To read click here

Works in Progress
Fictive Dream (revisit of original publication)
To read click here

Sharing Space
Fictive Dream (revisit of original publication)
To read click here

A Lighterman's Tale
To read click here

Nymphs Publications

Crossways Magazine Issue 10 - first published in Literati Magazine

Eunoia Review
To read click here

The Fun Police
Fictive Dream - chosen for BIFFY50 2019-20 (best 50 British and Irish Flash Fiction)
To read click here

John's Oak
Fictive Dream
To read click here

The Moon
To read click here

Fragmented Voices
To read click here

The Structure of Shadows
To read click here

Fragmented Voices
To read click here

The Chapel
Eunoia Review
To read click here

The Arrangement
Lunate Fiction
To read click here

In My Father's Presence
Nymphs Publications

Eunoia Review
To read click here

Who We Once Were
Confingo 12
To buy Confingo 12 click here

Goat Girl and My Friend the Oktavist
Prole Issue 29
To buy Prole Magazine click here

Alex's Blue Bag
Fictive Dream
To read click here

Where the Fallen Have Gathered
Nymphs Publications

Eunoia Review
To read click here

Keeping in Touch
To read click here

Diminishing Returns
Lunate Fiction
To read click here

How Things End
Eunoia Review
To read click here

Somewhere on the Spectrum
Crossways Magazine Issue 7

The Slope
Fictive Dream - reissued under 'Revisits' June 2019
To read click here

Taking Steps
Fictive Dream
To read click here

Feeding Ducks
Fictive Dream - original publication April 2018 - reissued under 'Revisits' April 2019
To read click here

The Violet Eye
Nightjar Press – No longer available as a limited edition signed chapbook from the publisher. If you would like a copy please contact me.

A Soul's Lament
Here Comes Everyone
To order click here

Paper Darts
Pixel Heart Issue 1
To read click here (p.29)

The Family
Hypnopomp Magazine Issue 6
To read click here

The Species Assimilation Unit
Cabinet of Heed Issue 13
To read click here

The Estate
Prole, Poetry and Prose issue 26
Now available - to order click here

The Homing Instinct
Best British Short Stories 2018 (originally published in Confingo October 2017)
BBSS18 now available - to order click here

Angel Street
To read click here

A Hidden Place
Shortlisted 2017 Bedford International Short Story Competition
To order click here

Touching Air
Riggwelter - May 2018
To read click here (p.26)

The Wand Maker
Crossways - March 2018

What We Are Left With
Prole Issue 24 - December 2017

When You Became Me
Fairlight Books - November 2017
To read click here

The Slope
Fictive Dream – August 2017
To read click here

Another Way of Seeing
Structo Issue 17 – Feb 2017
To read click here (p. 46)

Fergal’s First Gig
2nd Prize 2014 Bedford International Short Story Competition
To read click here

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